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If you didn’t start yesterday,

start today!

A long-term savings plan in EUR.

A long-term savings plan with the term of 60 months whereby you make regular monthly deposits of pre-agreed amounts. Every month, the client deposits equal amounts which he/she decides on in advance and agrees with the Bank. This amount must be between a pre-defined minimum/maximum amount range. Deposits are made monthly, on any day during calendar month (the first through the last day of the month).

There’s no need to come to the Bank.

Gradual growth savings allow you to save continuously, without having to come to the Bank. You can do this by using the standing order to make monthly transfers of any amount you decide on to the term savings account, which will make your savings deposit grow.

Monthly deposit starts at only EUR 20.

Bonus interest for regular depositors.

For placing a term deposit, it is necessary to have a sight deposit account or a current account Term deposits may be kept both by residents and non-residents Minimum amount of initially placed deposit and agreed additional monthly deposit is EUR 20 Maximum amount of initially placed deposit and agreed additional monthly deposit is EUR 1,000 Interest is accrued at the nominal interest rate and paid annually, plus bonus interest (at the end of every twelve-month calculation period), if all conditions for accrual and payment of bonus interest have been met  In case of early termination of term deposit, paid interest relative to the previous period is recognised, while starting from the date of preceding annual accrual until the date of termination, applicable interest rate is that which refers to sight deposits, which is prevailing at the time of termination. In case of early termination, funds are transferred to the sight deposit account. Partial withdrawals are not allowed. According to current regulations, for interest accrued and paid on the basis of term deposits in foreign currencies, a 15% withholding tax is calculated and withheld from the gross amount of accrued interest. The Bank pays such withheld amounts to relevant public revenues accounts. AIK Banka is part of the mandatory deposit insurance system which is in place in the Republic of Serbia.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay an account-maintaining fee for savings accounts?

No, we maintain these accounts free of charge.

What are the available currencies of savings accounts?

You may choose between RSD, EUR, USD and CHF savings account.

Is it possible to make payments into my savings accounts in multiple ways?

Yes, it is. You may make cash deposits at the Bank’s cash desk or deposit cash in multifunctional ATMs available in our 24/7 Zones , you may make an eBanking or mBanking transfer from another account you keep with AIK Bank or use the overdraft to make any transfer you wish from your current account.

I’m a nonresident, is it possible for me to keep savings account with your bank?

Yes, of course it is! There’s a wide range of savings products we’ve created for nonresident private individuals.

Are my personal funds insured?

Yes, the insured amount of deposit at the Bank is up to EUR 50,000 per depositor. This insurance includes standard deposits, savings deposits, current accounts, and funds in other monetary accounts as well as all other temporarily deposited funds, as part of regular banking operations, which the Bank is to return to the client in accordance with its regulatory or contractual obligations.

When is interest accrued?

Interest on sight deposits, so called a vista deposits, is accrued at the end of calendar year whereas interest on term deposits is calculated, accrued and paid depending on the model of term deposit you opt for: At the end of term As soon as term savings deposit is placed Monthly

Is interest with the “payment in advance” option immediately available?

Yes, as soon your place your funds as a term deposit, accrued interest will immediately be available in your sight deposit account.

If I place a term deposit and something unplanned happens, how can I get my money?

Funds placed as a fixed term savings deposit are available upon maturity. But if you need them sooner, you may apply for early termination of the term deposit. It is very important to know that in case of early termination of your term deposit, funds with the monthly interest payment and payment of interest in advance options, the amount to be paid stands for the amount of deposited funds, minus previously accrued and paid gross interest, in advance or monthly, increased by net interest calculated at the rate applicable to sight deposits in EUR.

If I place gradual growth savings deposit in EUR, once I sign the agreement and make the first deposit, is it possible for me to make deposits any day of the month or does it have to be on the date of agreement signing, or at the latest by the date the agreement is signed, so this way I don’t lose my right to bonus interest?

For example, you sign the agreement on 19th February and make the first cash deposit. You may make a deposit for the following month as early as 1st March and until 31st March, and so on. You will not use your entitlement to bonus interest if you make the deposit on 31st March, for example. It is important that every calendar month you make the contractually agreed deposit. The Bank will accrue interest starting from the day you make the deposit in your gradual growth savings account.

If I place some EUR funds in the gradual growth savings account, is it possible that I don’t make a deposit during one month then make two deposits the following month, and still be entitled to bonus interest?

No, you may make only one deposit during calendar month.

If my agreement defines that I should make a monthly deposit of EUR 100 in my gradual growth savings account and I have the amount of EUR 50 in my sight deposit account, will the EUR 50 be transferred to the gradual growth savings account?

No, the only amount you can pay is that which is specifically defined in the agreement. It cannot be either higher or lower.

Can I open a gradual growth savings account for my underage kids and make deposits for them?

Yes, you can do that.

In that case, can I issue a standing order to buy from funds available in my current account EUR in the amount of monthly deposits and transfer them to the gradual growth savings account?

Yes, you can. And this is the best solution.

“Sight deposits”, what does this term mean?

Sight deposits means that all funds which you have placed are readily available to you at any time. So, there are no dates when interest is due, you are completely free to use the funds in your account any way you like.

Do I have to pay tax on income earned through my savings and what is the tax rate?

If you save in the local currency, you don’t have to pay any tax. If you save in a foreign currency, income tax of 15% is paid.