Fizička lica
Platni račun sa osnovnim uslugama
Start paket račun
Start Plus paket račun
Elite paket račun
Dozvoljeni minus
Keš kredit
Keš kredit za penzionere
Stambeni kredit
Krediti za energetsku efikasnost
Keš kredit pokriven depozitom
Platne kartice
Debitne kartice
Kreditne kartice
Oročena štednja
Online oročena štednja
Oročena štednja sa mesečnom isplatom kamate
Postepena oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Online proizvodi
IPS plaćanja
Zona 24/7
Mali biznis
Biznis paket račun
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
Dinacard business debitna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
DinaCard poslovna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo


AIK Banka’s mobile banking application offers you the following options at any time: 

24/7 bank

Exchange rate list

Instant payments at the point of sale-IPS QR

Foreign currency exchange - purchase and sale of foreign currency

Information about the balance in your accounts

Information about loans and cards

Internal transfer of funds between your own foreign currency accounts

Internal transfers of funds between your own RSD accounts

Token, modern ways of remote login and contracting

Locating the nearest branches and ATMs via Google Maps

Possibility to pay bills and transfer RSD funds to accounts of private individuals and legal entities

Download the app by scanning the QR code or clicking on the desired app store.

Activation of mBanking applications


The new version of the mobile banking app offers our users safe and modern methods of authentication and verification of their payment orders in our eBanking and mBanking apps. The first thing you need to do is update or download the app Store and to activate a secure licence-token. The token in combination with a smart phone (Android and IOS) performs the same task as the hardware-based secure token. Security recommendations for users are available here

Customer support

AIK Banka’s website also offers user instructions. For assistance call AIK Banka’s Customer Service or write to our team at . You can activate the service free of charge at any AIK Banka branch.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I activate the mobile banking app?

In case you don’t use electronic banking, a new version of mBanking app allows you to activate it on your own in a quick and simple manner. You may apply for the mBanking service at the nearest Bank branch. Afterwards you will be sent a PIN in a SMS message. Activate your mBanking with your PIN and account number in only 3 simple steps – quickly, easily and on your own.

What code do I need to enter when transferring money to a private individual’s account?
Can I cancel an order if I have made a mistake?
Why is the Token app important in AIK Banka’s mBanking application?
How to become a user of the electronic banking app?
I have transferred my money to someone through the eBanking/mBanking apps; when will that money be in his/her account?
What is the difference between eBanking and mBanking?