Fizička lica
Start platni račun
Advance paket račun
Supreme paket račun
Dozvoljeni minus
Keš kredit
Keš kredit za penzionere
Stambeni kredit
Krediti za energetsku efikasnost
Keš kredit pokriven depozitom
Platne kartice
Debitne kartice
Kreditne kartice
Oročena štednja
Online oročena štednja
Oročena štednja sa mesečnom isplatom kamate
Postepena oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Online proizvodi
IPS plaćanja
Zona 24/7
Mali biznis
Biz Start paket račun
Biz Advance paket račun
Biz Supreme paket račun
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
Dinacard business debitna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
DinaCard poslovna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo

AIK Banka debit cards

AIK Banka debit cards allow you to pay using the latest contactless technology, from both your RSD and FX accounts, here at home and abroad.  Use our cards to withdraw funds (available on your current account) free of charge through a network that includes over 350 local ATMs (AIK Banka’s network and MoneyGet). The Mastercard and DinaCard debit cards received with our Start Package also allow you to withdraw funds at the ATMs of Gorenjska Banka in Slovenia.

DinaCard debit card issued by AIK Banka

DinaCard is the national payment card of the Republic of Serbia that allows users to pay for products and services and withdraw cash. It provides additional services such as mobile phone, online, and direct payments. • No issuing and re-issuing costs • No monthly membership fees • Wide network of ATMs • Wide network of sales points • Free SMS notifications about all inflows and outflows
I’m interested

Mastercard Standard debit card

• Payments in the country and abroad • Safe online shopping - you confirm your purchase with a unique OTP code you receive via SMS to your phone number, verified in the AIK Bank system. • Free withdrawal of dinars at AIK Banka and Moneyget ATMs or euros at multifunctional ATMs of AIK Banka • Contactless payment - NFC technology enables simple, safe, and fast contactless payment by attaching your card to a contactless POS device. • Free SMS notifications about all inflows and outflows
Become a client of AIK Banka

Mastercard Gold debit card

• Make contactless, secure payments that take just seconds to complete • Make online purchases safely with your Mastercard SecureCode by confirming your purchases using an OTP (one-time pin) that you receive via SMS message. • Withdraw RSD or EURO at any time of the day or night at multifunctional ATMs in our 24/7 Zones. • Receive free SMS notifications concerning all account inflow and outflow. • The card is linked to your current RSD and FX accounts. If you are paying in RSD, the payment amount will be debited from your RSD account, while payments made abroad are debited from your FX account. • LoungeKey – register online and wait for your flight in the comfort of international business salons. • With LoungeKey service, entry into business lounges at airports in Vienna, Sarajevo, and Belgrade is free.
I’m interested

Benefits of Mastercard Gold debit card – Registration process

Mastercard Priceless Platform