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Start Plus paket račun
Elite paket račun
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IPS Prenesi
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AIK like
Digitalno poslovanje
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Dobro jutro štednja
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Digitalno poslovanje
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo

Elite package

This package is a time-saver and ensures privileges

Benefits of the Elite Package

The Elite Package is a premium Current Account package created with frequent travellers in mind. With an expansive range of benefits, the Elite Package is the most complete account packages available. • RSD current account • FX current account • Debit card - DinaCard debit card • Mastercard GOLD debit card • Electronic and Mobile Banking • Standing orders • Cheques • Mastercard GOLD credit card membership free* • Approved Overdraft per account* (up to RSD 15,000 of the overdraft is interest free) • Good Morning Savings • Payout of pensions in advance - applicable to pensioners only • Monthly bank statement per Current Account • SMS Service • Contact Centre services • Advisors available at our branches • 24/7 Assistance • Elite Care - voluntarily health insurance • Withdraw cash using your debit card at the ATMs of other domestic banks, free of charge • Buy/Sell EUR at a more affordable exchange rate when executing foreign exchange transactions via eBanking * Must meet creditworthiness requirements In case you are interested in our other packages, take a look: -Start Package -Start Plus Package You can also get information about Overdraft.
Mastercard® Gold debit card:

• Global Wifi – free internet access in as many as 100 countries and with over 1,000,000 hotspots • LoungeKey – assess to airport business lounges all over the world • Free entry into business lounges in airports located in Vienna, Sarajevo and Belgrade • Withdraw cash at the ATMs of any domestic bank, free of charge

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Electronic and Mobile Banking

Payment transactions, free of charge
More favourable online foreign exchange conversion
More favourable interest rate on online savings in the EURO
24/7 Bank (loan and savings products available online)

Elite Package Account available to you as soon as today at a monthly fee of just RSD 1,000.

Thinking about applying for a credit card?
With the Elite Package Account you will receive a Mastercard® Gold card, at no monthly charge. Get a card while on the go and enjoy the benefits of making purchases in instalments that you yourself define, as soon as today.
Learn more