Your credit card instalment is due every fifth of the month, on the 12 th of the month your car loan instalment is debited from your account, and mere three days later there’s yet another one, the instalment for the washing machine… Then there is the overdraft, instalment for the PC… You start wondering whether you need a personal accountant just to make sure that you repay all your debts on time. On top of it all, you need extra cash and one more loan is one loan too many.
But at the same time, your bank offers a loan under much better conditions than all those other loans you’re currently repaying. If you’re troubled by all these things, the refinancing loan is just the thing for you. Beside putting all your monthly debts into one, you’ll be repaying them under more favourable conditions, your monthly expenses will be reduced, and you’ll also have the much-needed cash available.
What can you do with the refinancing loan:
- prepay any loan you’ve already used up
- settle your credit card debt
- settle debt under approved and utilised current account overdrafts
- get extra cash
All financial obligations will be consolidated into a single new loan, which will make it easier for you to keep control of your finances. The second important thing, which by no means is less important, is that the total interest on borrowed amount will be lower. What this means is that either your instalment will be smaller than your previous monthly obligations or the repayment term will be shorter.
What is important for you to know is that with the refinancing loan you also cover all other financial obligations you may have with other banks.
If you wish to refinance your debt for a shorter period, then we can offer you a fixed interest rate loan. If you want less burden on your monthly income and opt for a longer repayment term, then your option is the refinancing loan with a variable interest rate.
What do you get from the refinancing loan:
- the interest rate is lower enough to make sure that the overall price of the loan is lower
- significantly reduced total cost of loan repayment.