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Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo

How to provide sources of funding for your own business?

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Bill Cosby

Unofficial statistics show that about 75% of business ideas never see the light of day, and the main reason is the lack of the funds for their launching and financing. However, it should by no means be an obstacle and reason for your business plans to be nothing but wishful thinking and never come true. If you are even remotely sure that your business may provide a better and safer future to you and your family, money should not stand in the way. In any case, if you do not try, you will never know... Do you really think that successful people around you always had enough money put aside for starting their business? There are few lucky ones out there, believe it or not...

Friends and family

Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.”

Arabic proverb

Friends and family are one of the options. This is the right choice, but only if you are prepared to share your business, your successes and failures, profits, as well as losses, with people close to you. The positive aspect of this choice is not having to pay interest and loans, but it may turn out to be a nightmare if you are not ready to draw a clear line between your private life and business. It is in human nature that the former calls for the latter.

Banking products

Banks offer a wide range of products that may help you both in starting and growing your business. If no substantial amount of money is necessary for investments, a loan from our range of cash loans could be sufficient (here we refer to the initial capital of several thousand EUR). However, if you need substantial investments and working capital, the Bank’s offer includes a number of lending products designed for such business needs.

Capital is too expensive to have it managed by the ignorant

If AIK Banka is your choice, there is a wide range of lending products available, intended for corporate entities – short-term loans, overdraft facility under the current account, working capital loans, long-term loans, long-term fixed working capital loans, investment loans etc. Which of these products you will choose depends on your needs. If you are not sure you are able to choose the right solution to your business needs on your own, go to the finance consultant. Present your ideas, dilemmas and needs and he/she will definitely find the best solution for you at the relevant moment.

Development funds and grants

Government authorities should by no means be ignored, particularly if you are a beginner in business. The Development Fund of the Republic of Serbia has the budget allocated primarily for start-up projects. In this manner you will get grants and low-interest loans, and there are also available grants involving smaller amounts. As a matter of fact, this kind of support to economy also calls for the fulfilment of a number of conditions and extensive documentation, but if you are up for it, you will get favourable financial support for your business project. These funds will be safe if you use them through one of AIK Banka’s business accounts, which will provide you significant support and assistance, as well as benefits in your future operations.

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How to provide sources of funding for your own business?

Unofficial statistics show that about 75% of business ideas never see the light of day, and the main reason is the lack of the funds for their launching and financing.

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