Your salary is late but the deadline for paying bills expires. You have an unplanned expense that must be settled at once, but you don’t have enough money in your account. You must have been in one of the described situations and felt helpless. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. A survey conducted by AIK Banka shows that as many as 30% of the respondents have less than one eighth of their earnings available in their current accounts for the greater part of the month.
On the other hand, only 8.52% of this group of clients have the overdraft facility in place, while less than 5% of them actually use it. The reason for such statistics is that clients have a great dilemma and fear regarding interest calculated on the allowed overdraft. In addition to this, they intentionally delay the settlement of their financial obligations and pay interest on them.
AIK Banka has a solution as well as special benefits for all your unexpected expenses.
Our START PACKAGE OB enables you to apply for the overdraft and use your funds when you instantly need them. The best news is that you will pay no interest on the allowed overdraft amount of up to RSD 15,000.00 per month.
If you use the overdraft adequately, you may pay bills before the deadline and get a discount for the next bill. There’s no default interest, new liabilities and unforeseen situations.
For all those with part-time employment, AIK Banka has prepared a special benefit. Even if you have no full-time employment agreement, you may apply for the overdraft which will last until the valid expiry date of your employment agreement.