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What are the best sources of funding I could use to invest in agricultural production?

Agriculture is undoubtedly the most vital branch of Serbian economy. After decades of its being neglected and predominant investments in industry, it re-established its importance in the 1990s, at the time of the greatest crisis and economic sanctions. Since then, investments in Serbian agribusiness have become increasingly substantial, which was recognised by the government, but also by commercial banks that provided a number of favourable lending products intended for agriculture.

Grace periods, low interest rates and longer repayment terms are the features of credit lines you may use for the purchase of machinery, livestock, planting materials, farmable land, and all other things you need to start, develop and improve agricultural production. You only need to register your agricultural holding and to speak about your agribusiness ideas to the Bank’s finance consultant who will recommend the best source of funding and tailor it to your specific requirements.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Latin proverb

AIK Banka, as a decades-long partner of domestic agriculture industry, has created a wide range of credit lines for agricultural holdings.

If you need seeds, products for protective treatment of soil, fodder and all other raw materials, one of the options is the Agricultural production loan. It is a wide-purpose loan with repayment terms of up to 12 or 36 months, depending on the purpose, with the grace period during which only interest will be accrued and payable.

If your business vision calls for more substantial funds of which you do not need the full amount, there is the Revolving loan available, allowing you to withdraw the exact amount of funds you need at a relevant moment, while you can use the remainder in subsequent stages. In short, you are the only manager of the funds approved to you.

When the land you possess is starting to become far too small for all your projects and plans and when it is time to expand, investment loans for land purchase will make it possible for you to make your plans happen. Apart from land purchase, investment loans are available for all your ideas and everything you need for them to become reality.

How important agribusiness is to the future and growth of Serbian economy is best proved by the cooperation of the banks and the government which jointly provide financial support to economy under the most favourable conditions possible. AIK Banka, in cooperation with the Guarantee Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, has provided a whole range of products as direct support to agribusiness. Through this programme you may apply for both long- and short-term loans, whether you need funds to purchase raw materials, machinery or farmable land.

Therefore, all you need to do is design a project, register your agricultural holding, open an account, and the Bank will know the best way to make your idea happen.

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Agriculture is undoubtedly the most vital branch of Serbian economy.

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