Anything that you may think of, anything that is necessary for starting and improving your agribusiness will be made possible by investment loans you can apply for in the Bank. Those are the loans with a wide range of support to agriculture, covering every segment of agribusiness and needs of an agricultural holding.
The name of the loan says it all – this type of loan is not supposed to be a burden but an investment allowing you to do business successfully.
AIK Banka’s long-term investment loans are intended for those agricultural holdings which have been in business minimum one year and need a minimum amount of EUR 5,000 for future operations. They are intended for purchasing machinery, equipment, irrigation systems, greenhouses, driers, farmable land etc. Also, you can use the funds to buy livestock, invest in infrastructure as well as to refinance your credit obligations with other banks.
What makes them the right source of funding is their periodic repayment in quarterly, semi-annual, or annual instalments.
Investing in farmable land has proved to be a good and safe investment you can only profit from in the future. Formerly undervalued farmable land is becoming a vein of gold in local economy and extremely valuable capital.
Investment in the purchase of arable land is within reach with the assistance of long-term investment loans for farmable land purchase, which you can also use to refinance the existing loan with the same purpose. Depending on your needs and repayment ability, AIK Banka will approve you a loan for this purpose in amounts amount ranging from EUR 10,000 to EUR 300,000. The borrowed amount may be repaid during the period of up to 10 years, with the additional benefit of the 12-month grace period during which only interest will be accrued and payable. It leaves you enough time until your land begins paying itself while you can expand production.