Fizička lica
Platni račun sa osnovnim uslugama
Start paket račun
Start Plus paket račun
Elite paket račun
Dozvoljeni minus
Keš kredit
Keš kredit za penzionere
Stambeni kredit
Krediti za energetsku efikasnost
Keš kredit pokriven depozitom
Platne kartice
Debitne kartice
Kreditne kartice
Oročena štednja
Online oročena štednja
Modeli štednje u evrima
Modeli štednje u dinarima
Štednja po viđenju
Digitalne usluge
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Online proizvodi
IPS plaćanja
Zona 24/7
Mali biznis
Biznis paket račun
Krediti sa 50% bespovratnih sredstava
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
Dinacard business debitna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Stepenasta štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Krediti sa 50% bespovratnih sredstava
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
DinaCard poslovna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Stepenasta štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo

AIK Banka is the bank of innovative banking products and services, open 24/7, which consistently monitors all its clients’ needs, as well as its employees’ job satisfaction through achievement of the targeted financial result on a long-term basis. 

Our values

We firmly believe in our employees and the value system we have built for years on the following principles:

Client dedication

Banka postoji zbog klijenata. Poslovne potrebe klijenata su osnovna definicija našeg poslovanja. Naše je da spoznamo šta je to što je potrebno našim klijentima i da imamo stalnu komunikaciju sa njima. Tu smo da dostignemo, ali i nadmašimo njihova očekivanja na najbolji mogući način. Visok nivo lojalnosti klijenata je mera uspešnosti našeg rada.

Innovative products and services on offer

By carefully listening to our clients, we are able to perceive their business requirements and develop a range of modern banking products and services through providing many innovations focusing on digital banking and modern distribution channels. In this manner we strive to keep the Bank open to clients 24/7, regardless of the client’s location.

Team work and competitive spirit

Our employees are the greatest capital available to us. Working together is the basis of our operations and the future we build. Talented, ambitious and well-educated people with a competitive spirit manifest their individual skills and knowledge through team work. Each individual accomplishes better and more in a team than on his/her own. We compete among ourselves too. We know we can always do better and more.

Awareness and social responsibility

The Bank operates with the clients’ money. That is our clients’ private property entrusted to the Bank. As a responsible bank, we are aware of this fact and that is why we do not enter any risky business. Each placement must be covered by an adequate amount of the Bank’s capital. While performing banking activities on a daily basis, we constantly think about the overall welfare of our social action

Operational speed and flexibility

We all know time is money. That is why we always strive to serve our clients as soon as possible, offering them a good-quality product and service tailored in line with their requirements. Moreover, we try to establish our relationship with clients on the foundations of flexibility and possibility of choice.

For over 40 years we have been building a modern, responsible and innovative Bank according to the standards of the developed world by employing domestic resources. Our success is recognised and awarded at the international level. We are also the Bank for the whole family. Welcome to the family of successful people so that we can build a better future together!

AIK BANKA For better and more

Board of Directors and Executive Board

Aleksandar Aleks Kostić Board of Directors

Vladimir Sekulić

Member of the Board of Directors

Goran Pitić

Member of the Board of Directors

Jovan Purar

Member of the Board of Directors

Vladimir Poznanić

Member of the Board of Directors

Miroslav Bojić

Member of the Board of Directors

Jelena Galić

Member of the Board of Directors

Executive Board

Petar Jovanović Chairperson of the Executive Board

M.Sc. Dejan Vasić

Member of the Bank’s Executive Board in charge of and responsible for corporate clients

Bojan Pavlović

Member of the Executive Board in charge of and responsible for operations and business support

Maja Grubor

Member of the Bank’s Executive Board in charge of and responsible for risk management and risk control

Andrija Vuković

Member of the Bank’s Executive Board in charge of and responsible for finance

Business Monitoring Committee

Vladimir Poznanić Chairman of the Board

Vladimir Sekulić

Member of the Board

Goran Pitić

Member of the Board

AIK Banka was founded in 1976 and for two decades it operated as an inhouse bank of the Agro Industrial Combine Niš. After entering the open market in 1993, thanks to its liquidity, solvency, profitability and the capacity of its own capital, it positioned itself as one of the most important banks in the local market.
One of the main strategic goals of AIK Banka is to strengthen its position both in the domestic and regional markets. Apart from the acquisition of 100% share in Jubanka (formerly Alpha Bank), by taking over 100% ownership in Gorenjska banka, AIK Banka became the first bank in Serbia to enter the European Union market.
Throughout its long history, AIK Banka has gained the reputation of a reliable, stable and efficient financial institution dedicated to providing high-quality banking services in line with the modern banking trends and focus on the requirements of its clients whose satisfaction is a benchmark of success. The Bank is highly active in the area of digital service development, particularly in relation to providing services to retail clients, as well as small and medium enterprises. Electronic and mobile banking ensure 24/7 availability of services and assistance to our clients. Moreover, the Bank continues to pursue its direction towards economy that needs financial support for further growth and development.

AIK Banka is a strong pillar in the local community development reflected in continued investments and innovations, observation of the highest degrees of professionalism and business ethics, manifestation of consciousness and engagement in various socially responsible activities in the fields of sports, culture and education.

Successful operations are also proved by the fact that AIK Banka was granted the prestigious award of the reputable world magazine International Banker for the best commercial bank in Serbia for five consecutive years, in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

    The organization chart of AIK Bank you can see here.