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About all our loans
AIK Banka loans for registered agricultural holdings are designed to support all specfic featuers of agricultural production. Our range of loans comprises of standard lending products but also of loans which you may tailor to your business needs together with your finance consultant.
Loans for agricultural production
For all that you need (for working capital or fixed assets) These loans are approved with repayment terms of up to 36 months. The purpose of these loans is to fund the purchase of seeds, seedlings, fertilisers, products for protective treatment of soil, energy supply sources, fodder, breeding livestock and other rawmaterials used in agriculture. These are wide-purpose loans.
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Revolving loan
Spend as much as you need The AIK Banka allows a flexible model of doing business. These loans are designed in a way which allows that interest is paid only on the used amount of funds, which are withdrawn and committed in accordance with the agricultural holding’s needs, i.e. upon the client’s request. These loans are a unique and flexible banking product. What makes this loan unique is that the borrower manages it independently.
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Loans with a guarantee of the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina – Direct support to agribusiness

We have created for you a wide range of products in collaboration with the Guarnatee Fund of the Autonomous Region of Vojvodina, as direct support to agribusiness in our country and clients who are in this business: Purchase of agricultural rawmaterials Long-term agriculture loans for construction, refurbishment, building additional structures and renovation of silo, as well as the procurement of associated equipment Energy efficiency loans with a guarantee of the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina Loan for the purchase of agriculture machinery, equipment, foundation stock and perennial fruits and vineyards, in collaboration with the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina Loan for the purchase of farmable land, in collaboration with the Guarantee Fund of AP Vojvodina

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Investment loans – Money for all your ideas

For all investment needs of your agricultural holding. Loan purpose may be to fund the purchase of machinery, equipment, watering systems, green houses, drieries, farmable land… These loans cover a wide range of every registered agricultural holding’s needs. Or perhaps you’d be interested in the Long-term investment loan for the purchase of farmable land?

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Loan approved against a special-purpose term deposit
Have your money work for you If you don’t want to commit your owne funds in production, and still you need working capital, we’ve designed for you the laon approved against a special purpose term deposit. For amounts above EUR 500, with repayment terms of up to 84 months. For liquidity and working capital or other purposes. Have you money work for you.
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The world of banking, closer to you
IPARD incentives – when and can I get funding for the purpose of implementing IPARD projects?

Major support to Serbian agriculture is provided by IPARD funds, aimed at improving life in the village and ensuring the wellbeing of rural populations.

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Agriculture is undoubtedly the most vital branch of Serbian economy.

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Does the Bank support investments in agricultural holdings?

Anything that you may think of, anything that is necessary for starting and improving your agribusiness will be made possible by investment loans you can apply for in the Bank.

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