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Investment loans

Long-term investment loans

For all investment needs of your agricultural holding. Loan purpose may be multiple – purchase of machinery, equipment, watering systems, greenhouses, dying facilities, farmable land… These loans cover a wide range of every registered agricultural holding’s needs. Minimum required conditions Registered agricultural holding which has been in business for minimum 1 year Good credit history (during the past 12 months, the client’s Credit Bureau report does not show any active or historic defaults with banks, longer than 60 days) Opened AIK Banka package account Starting from EUR 5,000 (in RSD equivalent at the NBS middle exchange rate) up to maximum creditworthiness of the client From 13 to 60 months

Long-term investment loan for the purchase of farmable land

You need funds because you want to grow and develop? The right solution for you is the loan for investment in fixed assets, i.e., purchase of farmable land, refinancing loan with the same purpose or refinancing your own invstment in the purchase of farmable land. With such long-term invstments you get resources that agricultural holdings need in order to grow and develop. Loan purpose: purchase of farmable land; refinancing of an existing loan with this objective. The loan is approved against: proforma invoice issued by a legal entity (document must not be older than 30 days); purchase agreement (duly certified in court, not older than 30 days); Minimum required conditions Registered agricultural holding which is in agribusiness for minimum 1 year Good credit history (during the past 12 months, the client’s Credit Bureau report does not show any active or historic defaults with banks, longer than 60 days)


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Major support to Serbian agriculture is provided by IPARD funds, aimed at improving life in the village and ensuring the wellbeing of rural populations.

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Agriculture is undoubtedly the most vital branch of Serbian economy.

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Does the Bank support investments in agricultural holdings?

Anything that you may think of, anything that is necessary for starting and improving your agribusiness will be made possible by investment loans you can apply for in the Bank.

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