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Kredit pokriven depozitom
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Digitalno poslovanje
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo

Documentary business

Upon your request we can issue: payment guarantees, performance bonds, letters of intent, letters of credit (L/C)


You’re in the business of import, project design, construction, sales… You need support, your partner needs to see you have support so that he’s certain all your liabilities will be settled upon first demand – a bank guarantee is the solution for you. The guarantee is a collateral instrument whose role is to secure payments or performance of contractually agreed obligations. With guarantees, the Bank guarantees that the issuee will settle all liabilities towards beneficiary and within deadlines indicated in the guarantee. The amount of guarantee depends on your specific requests and your creditworthiness. Main types of guarantees which we issue are payable guarantees: to secure a loan, to secure payment of goods and services and performance guarantees: bid bonds, performance bonds, advance payment guarantees and customs guarantees.

Letters of credit

Poslujete sa inostranstvom i potrebna vam je podrška banke u međunarodnim transakcijama? Akreditiv, kao instrument plaćanja i obezbeđenje je pravo rešenje. Dokumentarni akreditiv predstavlja obavezu banke da po prezentaciji dokumenata koji potvrđuju preuzimanje određene robe u skladu sa uslovima akreditiva plati prodavcu robe ili usluga određen iznos u određenom roku. Dokumentarni akreditiv može da se otvori po nalogu domaćeg kupca u korist inoprodavca (nostro), a moguće je da akreditiv otvori inokupac u korist domaćeg prodavca (loro). Važno je da obezbedite informaciju da li se radi o otvaranju akreditiva sa pokrićem ili bez pokrića. Iznos akreditiva koji Banka odobrava zavisi od vašeg zahteva i od vaše kreditne sposobnosti

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Discounted bills of exchange with recourse

Discounted bills of exchange are a type of short-term lending which provides the possibility to quickly and efficiently, before maturity indicated in the bill of exchange, obtain liquidity necessary for your current operations. With this solution, we allow you a recourse, i.e., possibility of payment under bills of exchange before they become due. The Bank accepts discounted bills of exchange issued by companies with adequate creditworthiness, which are endorsed to the Bank, with full endorsement.

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