Fizička lica
Start platni račun
Advance paket račun
Supreme paket račun
Dozvoljeni minus
Keš kredit
Keš kredit za penzionere
Stambeni kredit
Krediti za energetsku efikasnost
Keš kredit pokriven depozitom
Platne kartice
Debitne kartice
Kreditne kartice
Oročena štednja
Online oročena štednja
Oročena štednja sa mesečnom isplatom kamate
Postepena oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Online proizvodi
IPS plaćanja
Zona 24/7
Mali biznis
Biz Start paket račun
Biz Advance paket račun
Biz Supreme paket račun
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
Dinacard business debitna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
DinaCard poslovna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo


Relevant solutions for individual businesses
AIK finance consultants – people who find the best solutions How can we help?
Account and good service
Kratak opis usluge
Kratak opis usluge
Documentary business
Kratak opis usluge
Digital business
Kratak opis usluge
Kratak opis usluge

Tell us about your business

Hajde da razgovaramo
POS terminals – Quick, safe and within reach
Our Bank has one of the largest private card acceptance networks (POS terminals) in Serbia. We accept MasterCard, DinaCard and VISA card brands. We also offer the option of making NBS IPS instant payments at POS terminals. We guarantee that your funds will be transferred within one day to the merchant’s account, once relevant transaction is executed.
Become an AIK POS merchantLearn more
E-commerce – The right solution for collection
If you want to provide to your customers simple purchases of goods and services made with MasterCard and Visa cards, AIK Banka has just the solution for you.
I’m interested
Letters of guarantee (L/G) / Letters of credit (L/C) – We support you at all times

You’re in the business of import, project design, construction, sales… You need support, your partner needs to see you have support so that he’s certain all your liabilities will be settled upon first demand – a bank guarantee is the solution for you. You do business with foreign companies and you need the full support of your bank in international transactions? An L/G, as a payment and security instrument is the ideal solution.

I’m interested
Business cards – Simple and safe worldwide

Your money’s at your disposal 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, in the country and abroad. MasterCard and DinaCard debit cards are linked to your transaction account. Additional liquidity with a credit limit in your MasterCard credit card. Select how you wish to use it and repay spent amounts, interest-free for prompt repayments of, if you prefer so, the revolving option.

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You don’t need to worry about your company’s daily liquidity. Come to the Bank and we’ll put the overdraft in place for you. You can use funds from the overdraft at any time, without having to previously notify the Bank, and when necessary, you may use the funds multiple times until maturity. Interest is accrued and paid only on funds which are utilised.
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Factoring – Get your money before maturity
If you want support regarding your current liquidity, and there are some receivables you wish to assign, then Factoring (buying receivables) is the right solution for you. This is a form of short-term lending which allows you to quickly and efficiently, prior to due date indicated in the invoice, provide current liquidity for your business. The Bank accepts the payment of invoices before they become due if such invoices are issued by companies with appropriate creditworthiness.
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Smart cash deposit machine
Deposit daily takings of legal entities and entrepreneurs at our 24/7 Zones: Without queuing Without filling out transfer orders Daily takings may be deposited on multiple locations and managed through the TRANSACTION CODE option Up to 500 banknotes whose total value is up to RSD 300,000 To deposit daily takings, business debit card authorisation is required
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Are you already using it?
AIK Banka’s eBanking– Fast, safe and cost-effective
Optimise your expenses - a transaction executed through the eBanking app is by approximately 30% cheaper than a transaction realised at the Bank’s counter, It saves time - there’s no need to go the Bank’s counter, you’re able to bank from the comfort of your home or any other location in the country or abroad, 24/7/365 business, You don’t need to keep hard copies of documentation
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