Fizička lica
Start platni račun
Advance paket račun
Supreme paket račun
Dozvoljeni minus
Keš kredit
Keš kredit za penzionere
Stambeni kredit
Krediti za energetsku efikasnost
Keš kredit pokriven depozitom
Platne kartice
Debitne kartice
Kreditne kartice
Oročena štednja
Online oročena štednja
Oročena štednja sa mesečnom isplatom kamate
Postepena oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Online proizvodi
IPS plaćanja
Zona 24/7
Mali biznis
Biz Start paket račun
Biz Advance paket račun
Biz Supreme paket račun
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
Dinacard business debitna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Kredit za obrtna sredstva
Investicioni kredit
Kredit pokriven depozitom
Revolving kredit
Dokumentarno poslovanje
Eskont menica
Platne kartice
Mastercard Biznis kartica
DinaCard poslovna kartica
Mastercard Biznis kreditna kartica
Oročena štednja
Štednja po viđenju
Dobro jutro štednja
Digitalne usluge
POS terminal
Zona 24/7
Platinum iskustvo


You’re never alone

If you’re a holder of the MasterCard Platinum credit card, wherever you are and whatever happens, you should know that you’re not alone. Call our Call Centre (+381 11 785 99 99) and select the MasterCard Platinum credit card service option. You’ll be able to easily:

report that you’ve lost your card or that it’s been stolen, contact directly your Concierge Agent, get detailed info about your insurance plan.

Our Call Centre is there for you on business days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., give us a ring. Outside business hours, you can send us an email to

In case your card is stolen, lost or damaged, the quick RIA money transfer service is there for you. Money will be paid in the local currency of the country where you are. By debiting the funds available in your account, AIK Banka will send you money through the RIA money transfer service. Once a year, up to the amount of EUR 500 in RSD equivalent, such a transaction will be executed free of charge – Transfernova Belgrade. If the amount you require is above EUR 500, the fee for this transaction will be paid by the cardholder, in accordance with Transfernova Belgrade Tariffs. After the first transaction of sending cash, all subsequent transactions during a period of one year will be paid by the cardholder, in accordance with Transfernova Belgrade Tariffs.

In case your card is stolen, lost or damaged, we can get a new card (plastic) done and delivered urgently. AIK Banka will cover these costs once during card validity period. For any subsequent issuance of a new card, costs will be incurred by the cardholder, in accordance with the Bank’s and DHL’s Tariffs.

See more details here.

Enjoy a whole world of maximum benefits with AIK Banka MasterCard